How can history be written based on oral sources?
How can history be written based on oral sources? - Hello Friend question and answers, In sharing this time titled How can history be written based on oral sources? , in helping to answer a question or help learning, hopefully content posting subject matter that I share this you can understand, if there are any difficulties please to comment.
Your Question : How can history be written based on oral sources?
You are currently reading the article about lessons How can history be written based on oral sources? and this lesson url permalink of the article was Hopefully this question and answer article can give good answers, good learning.
How can history be written based on oral sources?
Writing of history based on oral sources, especially while writing about common people in the backdrop of various ideological backgrounds, became a serious challenge for historians. They needed to understand the various events and incidents other than the lives of important personalities and battles. With no historical or documentary evidences, they attempted to stir up memories of common folks to get the details of various events.
These events were related to both past and present incidents. So the historians resorted to oral descriptions to narrate the lives of ordinary people. It was a tough job especially when the western historians had written their own version of the past.
Writing of history based on oral sources, especially while writing about common people in the backdrop of various ideological backgrounds, became a serious challenge for historians. They needed to understand the various events and incidents other than the lives of important personalities and battles. With no historical or documentary evidences, they attempted to stir up memories of common folks to get the details of various events.
These events were related to both past and present incidents. So the historians resorted to oral descriptions to narrate the lives of ordinary people. It was a tough job especially when the western historians had written their own version of the past.
The Article How can history be written based on oral sources?
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You are currently reading the article about lessons How can history be written based on oral sources? and this lesson url permalink of the article was Hopefully this question and answer article can give good answers, good learning.