Suggest three ways by which parents can improve equal power relations in a family set up

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Your Question : Suggest three ways by which parents can improve equal power relations in a family set up

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Suggest three ways by which parents can improve equal power relations in a family set up

Suggest three ways by which parents can improve equal power relations in a family set up
Parents should encourage equal power relations in the manner they raise boys and girls within a family. Suggest three ways by which parents can improve equal power relations in a family set up.


Equal power relations in raising boys and girls within a family mean that the kids get to do the things they want to do regardless of gender.

There should be no limit on what the kids can do. There should be no distinction between "boy stuff" and "girl stuff". Examples of "girl stuff" are cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. "Boy stuff", on the other hand, are yard works, repairs, and taking out the garbage.

These are some household chores that can be done by anybody but some kids don't perform because of "only girls do it!" or "only boys do it!" reasons.

Equal power relations is encouraging your children to test their limits by allowing them to do activities they want to do that can benefit them in the long run.

Parents should teach by example. Kids should not see that their dads just sit on the chair watching TV while mom is very busy doing chores. They should see dads helping out by cleaning the house, doing laundry, cooking. They should also see moms doing home repairs, playing sports with the family, and hanging out with the family, enjoying family time.

In this way, the kids will no longer identify a task as gender dependent. They should be able to see that as long as they want to do it, they can do it without fear of being judged or ridiculed.

This family practice will greatly help kids evolve into well rounded individuals who will become productive members of society.

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