How do you treat a scorpion sting in the 1800's?
How do you treat a scorpion sting in the 1800's? - Hello Friend question and answers, In sharing this time titled How do you treat a scorpion sting in the 1800's?, in helping to answer a question or help learning, hopefully content posting subject matter that I share this you can understand, if there are any difficulties please to comment.
Your Question : How do you treat a scorpion sting in the 1800's?
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How do you treat a scorpion sting in the 1800's?
In the 1800's they would treat a scorpion sting with alcohol, they would rub it in the infected area. In cases where they didnt have alcohol they would tie a piece of cloth where the sting was to prevent the poison from spreading to other parts of the body. Medical journals from 19th-century British ships reveal that scorpion stings were treated at the time by pouring rum on the afflicted area.
In the 1800's they would treat a scorpion sting with alcohol, they would rub it in the infected area. In cases where they didnt have alcohol they would tie a piece of cloth where the sting was to prevent the poison from spreading to other parts of the body. Medical journals from 19th-century British ships reveal that scorpion stings were treated at the time by pouring rum on the afflicted area.
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You are currently reading the article about lessons How do you treat a scorpion sting in the 1800's? and this lesson url permalink of the article was Hopefully this question and answer article can give good answers, good learning.