Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act?
Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act?
A. A cable company that offers telephone services chooses not to offer telephone services to individuals who use telecommunication devices for the deaf.
B. A disabled person is unable to vote because the voting booths are on the second floor and there is no wheelchair access.
C. A disabled person is unable to sit in the back at the movie theater because the theater only allows disabled people to sit in the front.
D. A company that has eight employees chooses not to hire a disabled person because it is a small, private business and the owner cannot afford to make modifications to the building.
the best answer is letter B. A disabled person is unable to vote because the voting booths are on the second floor and there is no wheelchair access. Wheelchairs should be provided or prepared for persons with disabilities, if there are no wheelchairs provided, at least, voting booths must be on the first floor.
The Article Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act?
You are currently reading the article about lessons Which of the following situations would NOT violate the Americans with Disabilities Act? and this lesson url permalink of the article was https://choosequestion.blogspot.com/2016/07/which-of-following-situations-would-not.html Hopefully this question and answer article can give good answers, good learning.