Even though lipids and carbohydrates are made from the same elements (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen), why is it easy to tell them apart when viewing a model of each?

Even though lipids and carbohydrates are made from the same elements (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen), why is it easy to tell them apart when viewing a model of each? - Hello Friend question and answers, In sharing this time titled Even though lipids and carbohydrates are made from the same elements (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen), why is it easy to tell them apart when viewing a model of each? , in helping to answer a question or help learning, hopefully content posting subject matter that I share this you can understand, if there are any difficulties please to comment.

Your Question : Even though lipids and carbohydrates are made from the same elements (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen), why is it easy to tell them apart when viewing a model of each?

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Even though lipids and carbohydrates are made from the same elements (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen), why is it easy to tell them apart when viewing a model of each?

Even though lipids and carbohydrates are made from the same elements (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen), why is it easy to tell them apart when viewing a model of each?

Lipids doesn't have monomers while carbohydrates does and can be categorised into three: monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide.

For a polymer to be considered a polymer it must be comprised of monomers like proteins and other macromolecules.

There are 20 different type of monomers present in proteins. Amino acids are in reality the monomers of proteins. Out of the 20 amino acids, only 9 are considered essential. The other 11 are of little use to the humans. The nine of the essential amino acids required by humans are Tryptophan, lysine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Valine, Threonine, Phenylalanine, Methionine and Leucine. The amino acids combine with one another to form different types of proteins. These proteins satisfy a number of our physical functional needs.

The Article Even though lipids and carbohydrates are made from the same elements (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen), why is it easy to tell them apart when viewing a model of each?

The answer to question Even though lipids and carbohydrates are made from the same elements (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen), why is it easy to tell them apart when viewing a model of each? , Hopefully can give benefits to all. well, If you guys are still looking for another answer use the menu search or look at the related articles.

You are currently reading the article about lessons Even though lipids and carbohydrates are made from the same elements (carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen), why is it easy to tell them apart when viewing a model of each? and this lesson url permalink of the article was https://choosequestion.blogspot.com/2016/07/even-though-lipids-and-carbohydrates.html Hopefully this question and answer article can give good answers, good learning.