The united states sent forces to what area of the world in the mid 1990s to stop ethnic cleansing?
The united states sent forces to what area of the world in the mid 1990s to stop ethnic cleansing? - Hello Friend question and answers, In sharing this time titled The united states sent forces to what area of the world in the mid 1990s to stop ethnic cleansing? , in helping to answer a question or help learning, hopefully content posting subject matter that I share this you can understand, if there are any difficulties please to comment.
Your Question : The united states sent forces to what area of the world in the mid 1990s to stop ethnic cleansing?
You are currently reading the article about lessons The united states sent forces to what area of the world in the mid 1990s to stop ethnic cleansing? and this lesson url permalink of the article was Hopefully this question and answer article can give good answers, good learning.
The united states sent forces to what area of the world in the mid 1990s to stop ethnic cleansing?
It was in the former Yugoslavia where the country was torn apart by ethnic wars between Croats and Serbs as well as Albanians. The situation came to a point where not even the United Nations peace keepers could stop the violence and so the U.S. sent its military to end the conflict.
It was in the former Yugoslavia where the country was torn apart by ethnic wars between Croats and Serbs as well as Albanians. The situation came to a point where not even the United Nations peace keepers could stop the violence and so the U.S. sent its military to end the conflict.
The Article The united states sent forces to what area of the world in the mid 1990s to stop ethnic cleansing?
The answer to question The united states sent forces to what area of the world in the mid 1990s to stop ethnic cleansing? , Hopefully can give benefits to all. well, If you guys are still looking for another answer use the menu search or look at the related articles.
You are currently reading the article about lessons The united states sent forces to what area of the world in the mid 1990s to stop ethnic cleansing? and this lesson url permalink of the article was Hopefully this question and answer article can give good answers, good learning.