Which list describes experiences that people with one of various anxiety disorders are likely to have?

Which list describes experiences that people with one of various anxiety disorders are likely to have? - Hello Friend question and answers, In sharing this time titled Which list describes experiences that people with one of various anxiety disorders are likely to have? , in helping to answer a question or help learning, hopefully content posting subject matter that I share this you can understand, if there are any difficulties please to comment.

Your Question : Which list describes experiences that people with one of various anxiety disorders are likely to have?

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Which list describes experiences that people with one of various anxiety disorders are likely to have?

Which list describes experiences that people with one of various anxiety disorders are likely to have?

Well, as someone who lives with an anxiety disorder, these are some of the things I deal with on a daily basis:
  1. Stuttering (it gets worse the more panicked I get) 
  2. Panic attacks. These are not necessarily obvious, but it really depends on the person. They can include, inability to catch your breath, shaking/trembling/teeth chattering, feeling closed in, being frozen/unable to move, heart hammering, being unable to think straight, etc. etc.) 
  3. inability to catch your breath (while sometimes this only occurs during legit panic attacks, for me it tends to happen more often. As I really forget to breathe in thinking about everything else.) 
  4. overthinking (seriously, the "what ifs" are endless. "The 'what ifs' will kill me") 
  5. fear of decision making (Making decisions terrifies me. "What if i make the wrong decision?" "what if everyone hates me then?")
  6. paranoia ("who's behind me?" "what are they talking about?" "They hate me?" sitting with my back to an open space & or a door terrifies me!)
  7. overwhelmed ("SO MUCH TO DO!" "I CANT DO THIS!" "NOT ENOUGH TIME!") 
  8. wishing you could just be normal and not worry! but the truth is EVERYONE WORRIES, PANICS, IS AFRAID SOMETIMES! its just that people like me have more acute and constant terrors and anxieties.

The Article Which list describes experiences that people with one of various anxiety disorders are likely to have?

The answer to question Which list describes experiences that people with one of various anxiety disorders are likely to have? , Hopefully can give benefits to all. well, If you guys are still looking for another answer use the menu search or look at the related articles.

You are currently reading the article about lessons Which list describes experiences that people with one of various anxiety disorders are likely to have? and this lesson url permalink of the article was https://choosequestion.blogspot.com/2016/07/which-list-describes-experiences-that.html Hopefully this question and answer article can give good answers, good learning.