If you are reading an article in a history textbook and realize that you do not understand a lot of the words, which steps should you follow?
If you are reading an article in a history textbook and realize that you do not understand a lot of the words, which steps should you follow? - Hello Friend question and answers, In sharing this time titled If you are reading an article in a history textbook and realize that you do not understand a lot of the words, which steps should you follow? , in helping to answer a question or help learning, hopefully content posting subject matter that I share this you can understand, if there are any difficulties please to comment.
Your Question : If you are reading an article in a history textbook and realize that you do not understand a lot of the words, which steps should you follow?
You are currently reading the article about lessons If you are reading an article in a history textbook and realize that you do not understand a lot of the words, which steps should you follow? and this lesson url permalink of the article was https://choosequestion.blogspot.com/2016/06/if-you-are-reading-article-in-history.html Hopefully this question and answer article can give good answers, good learning.
If you are reading an article in a history textbook and realize that you do not understand a lot of the words, which steps should you follow?
1. look up the words you don't know
2. re-read the article and replace the word you didn't know with the definition of that word
3. If you still don't understand, discuss it with another fellow classmate or what I do is try to find information about the article such as when was it written and who is the audience. Knowing when the article was written helps the reader understand the context of the article and will clear up some confusion.
4. If after finding info about the article and you still don't understand it, email your teacher, inform him/her what you have done to try to understand it as well as tell them what you think the article is about, and ask them if you are thinking in the right direction. If they see that you have put some effort, then they will be willing to help you out.
Hopefully this helped and good luck.
1. look up the words you don't know
2. re-read the article and replace the word you didn't know with the definition of that word
3. If you still don't understand, discuss it with another fellow classmate or what I do is try to find information about the article such as when was it written and who is the audience. Knowing when the article was written helps the reader understand the context of the article and will clear up some confusion.
4. If after finding info about the article and you still don't understand it, email your teacher, inform him/her what you have done to try to understand it as well as tell them what you think the article is about, and ask them if you are thinking in the right direction. If they see that you have put some effort, then they will be willing to help you out.
Hopefully this helped and good luck.
The Article If you are reading an article in a history textbook and realize that you do not understand a lot of the words, which steps should you follow?
The answer to question If you are reading an article in a history textbook and realize that you do not understand a lot of the words, which steps should you follow? , Hopefully can give benefits to all. well, If you guys are still looking for another answer use the menu search or look at the related articles.
You are currently reading the article about lessons If you are reading an article in a history textbook and realize that you do not understand a lot of the words, which steps should you follow? and this lesson url permalink of the article was https://choosequestion.blogspot.com/2016/06/if-you-are-reading-article-in-history.html Hopefully this question and answer article can give good answers, good learning.